Amy’s 11 years at Webropol
As I excitedly prepare for my holiday to Hawaii to celebrate by 25th wedding anniversary, I realise I have another anniversary looming. On 28th November (conveniently the same day that I fly out), I will have worked for Webropol for 11 years.
I was the first person to be recruited for the UK office, by a then very young Henrik Romar (I’m not saying that he is old now, just very young then). My Webropol journey started as part-time helpdesk support and training. Over the years as Webropol has grown and developed so too has my role within the company. I am now the Managing Director of Webropol’s UK office.
We started in a small 2 person office (very snug), saying good morning to the office next door without even having to get out of your chair. Now we have moved to a serviced building, where you have to walk down the corridor to say hello to your neighbours.
3 weeks into my role, I had to deliver my first Webropol training, to 22 people in 4 different offices across the USA using the phone. Being able to make a phone call to 4 different locations in one go was a big deal back then, and seen as advanced technology for a small business. Now these sessions are easily conducted using Webinars and screen sharing, and they can even be recorded so that you can play back and listen to my dulcet tones on repeat.
During my time at Webropol, our survey and reporting system has had a number of face lifts from Webropol Classic, to 1.0, 2.0 and now 3.0. But unlike Botox which freezes everything, Webropol face lifts have each bought more advanced features and improvements. Each version becoming easier to use and shaping the way survey and report tools develop to become the “must have” tool.
My goal is to continue to make Webropol a widely recognised brand in the UK and just like our Nordic counterparts, I want it to become the recognised industry standard. Being up against competitors offering “Freemium” software makes my goal all the more challenging. Trying to get people to realise that simply being the biggest is not necessarily being the best or the most cost effective. Whilst “freemium” systems have a place, I have confidence in our products and services and know we offer a huge amount of functionality and support at affordable prices.
During my journey, I have seen people come and people go. Made new friends, some weird and wonderful friends but friends all the same. I have a fabulous team who work hard to help me achieve the goals we have set out, and wonderful relationships with my colleagues abroad. I look forward to the challenges ahead and am confident that with the support of my colleagues and my team we will meet these head on. I would end this by saying here’s to another 11 years, but I may be relaxing on a beach, drinking a daiquiri or two enjoying retirement by then