360 assesment

Empower Your Organization’s Growth with 360 Assessment

Supporting you employees´ development and growth is paramount in today’s dynamic business landscape. Webropol 360 Assessment provides a comprehensive and insightful evaluation from various sources around an employee. Harness the collective insights of peers, direct reports, supervisors and self-evaluations to gain a holistic understanding of performance, potential and development pathways.

Benefits of Webropol 360

  • An unlimited number of 360-assessments with one price!
  • Ready assessment questions and reporting models prepared by HR experts
  • Ability to customise questions to support the development of different target groups, not just management
  • Versatile reports that include team-specific summaries, individual strengths, development needs and differences in perspective

Unleash your employees’ full potential with 360 Insights

Participating in 360 evaluations not only promotes a feedback-rich culture but also provides actionable insights, driving continuous growth and enabling annual development tracking.

Comprehensive Performance View

360 assessment offers holistic feedback from multiple perspectives, ensuring a rounded understanding of one’s performance.

Personal Growth & Awareness

Through diverse feedback, employees gain heightened self-awareness, pinpointing both strengths and areas of improvement, as well as identifying any perception gaps.

Career Growth

360 feedback can help employees in planning their career trajectory by identifying skills and competencies they need to develop to move up or transition to a different role.

Boosted Confidence & Motivation

Validation from varied sources fortifies employee confidence, motivating sustained or improved performance.

Did all this sound fantastic for your needs? Please contact us and we´ll get you sorted!