Company employees discussing over a cup of coffee - create a more engaged work community with employee surveys.

Employee survey – the key to an engaged work community

A thriving workforce is a company’s most important asset – whether you’re a large international player, a growing local business, or a non-profit organisation. When employees are doing well, the business does well.

Investing in a healthy workforce pays for itself many times over. The wellbeing of staff has an impact on employee retention, company productivity, employee turnover, and the employer image of future recruits, among other things. A happy workforce increases innovativeness and creative thinking, all of which ultimately have a positive impact on the customer experience.

Stumbling blocks of employee satisfaction improvement

Many organisations face various challenges in developing employee satisfaction, which can slow down or, at worst, distort the desired development trend.

Resources and time constraints – Limited resources and time constraints often pose challenges to improving employee wellbeing and satisfaction; busy schedules and misplaced priorities can lead to necessary development measures being neglected.

Inadequate processes and lack of information – The lack of clear processes and information slows down and makes it difficult to monitor and improve the employee experience. Every organisation needs clear processes, a systematic approach, and sufficient and accurate data on employee satisfaction. These will help the organisation to identify the factors influencing employee satisfaction as well as areas for improvement.

Ineffective tools – However, it is not enough to enhance resources and processes if an organisation is using the wrong or ineffective tools. The right tools for employee satisfaction research make it easier to collect data and apply improvements, and the understanding of the employee experience doesn’t get distorted.

How to carry out an effective employee survey

A successful analysis will help the organisation to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on job satisfaction. However, there are a few key points to remember when conducting a successful employee survey.

Focus on the essentials and identify the most relevant areas for improvement – Surveys and reports used for employee research should focus primarily on the most relevant factors affecting wellbeing. Remember that you can’t change everything at once. Target your resources on the areas that have the greatest impact on employee wellbeing.

Enable effective prioritisation – Once you have identified the key development points, define clear actions and milestones for achieving them. The order and prioritisation of milestones and the division of responsibilities between team members will help your organisation to achieve its objectives more quickly.

Make responding easy – To get the best understanding of your employee satisfaction, you need enough responses to your surveys. Responding to surveys should be quick and easy.

Engage staff to develop the work community – Action plans with your team engage staff to improve wellbeing at work.

Webropol Your Voice™ employee engagement survey provides the keys to building a successful workplace. With our service, you’ll be able to:

Webropol Your Voice™ offers a clear and effective approach to improving the employee experience. Do you want to know what really matters to your staff?

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