How can watermelons help you to improve the performance of your service organisation?
Webropol have partnered with TOPdesk to deliver a solution which allows customers to automatically collect customer experience feedback about the service that they have received and improve their experiences/.
Service Level Agreements (SLA) are very common between service organizations and their customers. SLA’s define parameters such as:
Expected response time to customer requests
Target resolution times for incidents
Priority of different incident categories
Whilst these parameters are important to measure service performance, they do not provide as much insight into the customer experience.
Do your customers have the same definition of a resolved incident as you do?
The ticket might be closed on time, but did the customer receive the support they expect and deserve?
The metaphor of a watermelon cut in half provides a holistic view of service delivery and customer experience:
The outer green shell symbolizes the SLA’s measured, such as incidents that are responded to and resolved in time. However, your customers may not be satisfied with the help they received, even if the ticket is closed in the system. So the red centre of the watermelon represents the customers experience of the service you deliver (XLA?). If your only goal is to close the tickets as quickly as possible, you are unlikely to have satisfied customers. You won’t know this if you only look at the watermelon from the outside, where your KPI’s seem nice and green.
If you cut the watermelon in half and measure the complementary customer experiences (XLA?) you may see that customers are not as satisfied as you would expect.

watermelon diagram outlining SLA and XLA differences
To help your organisation get the full picture we have developed a plugin in collaboration with TOPdesk. The plugin automatically sends a feedback survey to customers when their incident is closed in TOPdesk. The predefined customer satisfaction questions provide a better insight into customer experience and how your organisation can improve.
Some of the key features include
Activating the Webropol survey plug-in allows you to automatically trigger surveys to customers who have raised support issues
Responses are collected by Topdesk and are also available in Webropol View – a dashboard solution that allows filtering and reporting of the data
Get started fast and easy with the default questions provided or create your own questions based on specific needs or focus.
Default survey questions are based on the RATER model
Benefits of the solution
Measure the intangibles that are often overlooked such as empathy, helpfulness and expectations vs delivery of service
Improve your service organisation beyond the SLA and get the tools and data to meet your customers expectations
Automatic measuring of your customers Net Promotor Score (NPS) is included in the questionnaire.
The results can be used in your company’s sales- and marketing by letting your prospects know how well your service center will support them.
If you are interested in learning more, you can sign up for our webinar we are hosting in co-operation with TOPdesk on the 2nd of July.