The Importance of Competency Development
What is Competency Development?
Competency Development is a way for an organisation to assess the strengths and development areas of a workforce. It is crucial for any organisation to assess this and to implement improvements on a regular basis – the Webropol solution allows for effective management of everything Competency Development, using our 360 survey tool to assist, and our VIEW dashboards to display and share reports.
How does it work?
Both employee and manager complete the same evaluation about a specified evaluation target (e.g. the employee might have a review coming up, so the manager and the employee answer the same competency survey).
The two then sit down for a productive chat – by reviewing the results and creating a joint evaluation, both parties have the opportunity contribute to an action plan. By making the process two-way, employees feel listened to and are more likely to engage with their new targets. Our 360 survey tool facilitates this style of evaluation by making sure that everyone’s opinion is heard.
Customise who sees reports using hierarchies, for example, managers receive a team report and regional managers/HR will receive reports for wider teams/the organisation. This provides scope on where training needs exist across the board and allow teams to prepare for future trainings.
Teams can use our VIEW dashboards to monitor performance and to distribute feedback easily across an organisation using the aforementioned hierarchies – make sure that the right people see the right reports.

Why use Competency Development?
When striving for strategic goals and aiming to hit targets, it’s important to know that everyone on the team is performing at their best. By utilising regular Competency Development evaluations, a team leader can monitor the proficiency of individuals in order to increase efficiency across their team.
When restructuring it is easy for employees to feel uncertain or lost with new responsibilities or new leadership. Discover any concerns before they become an issue and address them.
A proactive approach to development encourages confidence in leadership. Webropol can schedule assessments to ensure that timing is kept and nothing is missed.
Solicit feedback on management that a workforce might otherwise not divulge.
Empower employees to monitor their own self-development and evidence it.
How can Webropol help?
Webropol’s Competency Development solution encompasses everything that a company needs to undergo efficient Competency Development. Our tools allow you to create the types of surveys that you need and to unlock the full potential of your responses with detailed, filtered reports.
For more information about our Competency Development solution, get in touch!
Telephone: +44 (0) 1788 833881