Webropol can help you to assess the impact of COVID-19 on your team
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us all and as a result many of our daily lives and routines have changed dramatically.
At Webropol we think it is important that everyone does their best to support each other in these challenging times, to help make this unprecedented situation easier for society, other companies and for ourselves to manage.
We have identified three areas that are more at risk now that many employees in different organisations work from home.
This includes:-
Internal Communication for remote working
Mental Impact and wellbeing for the individual remote working
The working environment for the employee working from home
We have created surveys for these areas to that you can assess how your employees are coping. We have donated these specially made surveys for you to use for free. If you already have a Webropol account you can find the surveys within the Question and Survey Library in MyWebropol, in a dedicated COVID-19 folder.
If you do not have an account but would like to use our survey system and these surveys, you can now have a free Webropol licence to collect this information. This will be offered for free until 30th September 2020. Please note there are no hidden charges, we will not automatically renew your licence after this time. Please send an email to with your details and we will help you to get started.
The surveys are ready made but you also have the possibility to make changes to the survey so that you collect the data that is right for you. Whilst Webropol is easy to use, if you need any support please contact our friendly support team at or calling our dedicated support line, 01788 833881.
For more information regarding how to access the surveys within your MyWebropol account please click the video link below.